Humanity may not be hard-wired for success

Engineers and scientists are working on rapidly evolving AI technologies with sometimes little or no oversight. Where are these technocrats taking us, asks James Fitzgerald. When is software not software, asked the…

AI provokes revolutionary minds

Artificial intelligence is no longer the sole preserve of data scientists and science fiction writers, with its technological applications now pervading daily life, says James Fitzgerald.     The “Fourth Industrial Revolution”…

Healthcare & AI: making the black box transparent

Combine two immiscible and complex topics and the outcome is a devil’s amalgam of issues to resolve, as a House of Lords select committee exploring uses of artificial intelligence in healthcare discovered…

The big read: Tech world faces up to burning issues

As we race towards a technological renaissance, we find ourselves more vulnerable than ever to a great cosmic power, writes James Fitzgerald. Techies around the world would have been hard-wired for insights…

The big read: Life under the all-seeing “I”

Stefano Ermon of Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence Lab speaks to  about the hopes and hazards of a world populated by learning machines   As anyone who has ever tried to get…