Beyond Brexit

Brexit and the danger of partisan divisions

The Australian lesson is that concentrating policy making power in political hands to “crash through” with a bold policy agenda might work for a while but ultimately becomes a zero-sum game, writes…

The Dumb, the Democrat and the Expert

The people have spoken and the “Brexit Election” campaign of the Conservatives in the UK will go down as one of the most successful in recent history. The number crunching will go…

An ‘economic competitor’ on the EU’s doorstep?

Any attempt to undercut long-established European standards would be an effective declaration of economic warfare, writes Geoff Kitney. Amid the raucous and sometimes ill-tempered hubbub that has characterised the Brexit debate one…

A fragmented future awaits a United Kingdom

Britain is being humiliated internationally because of Brexit – and there might be worse to come. There is now a clear possibility that Britain as we know it will cease to exist….

What dark forces lie behind the Brexit façade?

Boris Johnson last night turfed out 21 Tory rebels. Now he is preparing to put British democracy to one of its greatest tests, writes Geoff Kitney. A new breed of toxic conservatism…

Can Boris Johnson tame the Brexit monster?

Boris Johnson has set an impossible pre-condition which he knows must lead to a no-deal Brexit, writes Geoff Kitney. So far, so good for Boris Johnson. The decision he made to use…