Covid-19 Series

Covid-19 Analytics: 06-01-21 featuring Japan

A background to this update can be found in an introductory article to the Covid Analytics platform. Featuring Japan The overall pattern of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection in Japan largely follows that…

Covid Analytics: featuring the World in 2020

On this new platform we display the exclusive results of’s analysis of Covid-19 data from around the world. A five-day publication cycle is synchronised with our analytical methods to provide a…

Can America hold back the Covid-19 second wave?

A vaccine may save 10,000 lives in the United States by the spring, but the number of deaths has already surpassed 282,000 and continues to rise, writes John Egan. Approaching the end…

As Covid spreads Covid wars intensify

Governments that acted decisively earlier in the pandemic are hesitating now, writes Geoff Kitney. The freedom warriors and the business owners are becoming increasingly assertive and noisy in countries around the world….

Coronavirus: an Antipodean approach

Throughout Europe governments are reluctantly tightening restrictions that limit the freedom of their citizens. What can they learn from their Antipodean cousins? Europe has already seen 5.6 million cases of Covid-19 which…

Coronavirus: failure and a modicum of success?

The daily number of Covid-19 cases in the US has been relentlessly high, yet Canada has seen a marked fall in the number of daily infections. On Saturday the United States reported…

Test and trace may well matter, Mr Johnson

Does the efficacy of the test, trace and isolate programme matter in the control of coronavirus? Earlier this year, on March 16, advice on the subject from the World Health Organization was…

The two phases of the coronavirus

July 17 marked the 200th day of counting the number of infections and deaths arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, writes Dr John Egan. This count by the  European Centre for Disease Prevention and…

Covid-19: All for one and one for all

In the third of a series on the coronavirus, Dr John Egan looks at the vital role of the epidemiologist – the men and women who investigate patterns and causes of…