
On sustainability and profit

What determines the sustainability of your commercial enterprise? What makes it profitable? An answer is in the balance of investment into innovation and production, writes John Egan. You are a product manager…

Space junk: too fast, too furious

The European Space Agency estimates there are 750,000 objects larger than 1 cm orbiting Earth. The risks from collisions are growing as the outer atmosphere becomes increasingly crowded, reports James Fitzgerald. Most…

Productivity blues

A slew of new United Kingdom productivity statistics were yesterday released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The headlines tell a familiar story, but dig deeper and the UK appears a…

Le Grand Debat

With 19 days to go before the first round of the French presidential election, last night a Grand Debat – that lasted almost four hours – was held for all 11 candidates…

The energy dissipative enterprise

Here we look into the commercial activities of an enterprise through a prism of energy dissipation to understand the conversion of investment into income. The enterprise model Energy dissipative systems are everywhere…

Between the Rock and a hard Brexit

Murray Ritchie explains why Scottish nationalists are smiling. Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon could be forgiven if she let out a shout of delight when the Spanish let it be known they…

Today the UK is in a state of consistency

In the week leading up to delivery of the Brexit divorce letter, public opinion in the UK appeared to be a strange mix of short-term pragmatism and long-term pessimism, writes John Egan….

Work as a vector – in a tale of two carbons

In work we are all combinations of the artist and the photocopier. Here we begin to uncouple the two. Genius, Thomas Edison famously remarked, is one per cent inspiration and 99 per…