Encipia – Humanities

One step at a time The DNA of success

Change management specialist Dave Rawlings poses the question. Have you lost the ability to try new ingredients and different methods? In his book The Greatest Show on Earth, Richard Dawkins explains in…

To boldly go…

… and confidence will take you further. There are plenty of reasons for thinking that the world has changed quite fundamentally in the past year. Election and referendum results went against poll…

A little give and take goes a long way

Over the years I’ve come to realise that I’m motivated by ideas – something new that captures my imagination. Not any old ideas, just those that fit my preferences and prejudices. I…

Soft skills: I Don’t Like Your Attitude!

You’ve probably heard the advice, “Recruit for attitude, train for skills”.  It’s a warning against selecting someone on the basis of their exemplary technical or professional abilities only to find them “difficult”…

The psychology of government

As political parties around the world try to work out why opinion pollsters are struggling to get accurate readings of what is on voters’ minds, governments are beginning to tap into pioneering…

All in it together – some of the time!

Groucho Marx famously said that he didn’t want to belong to any club that would accept him as a member.  That’s a typical Groucho-ism: illogical and funny but somehow striking a chord…

Soft Skills: Manage your way in turbulent times

The world seems to get more uncertain each week. Momentous changes are in the air – or have already happened. It’s not surprising if you’re unsettled and feeling powerless to influence things….